"The Gaskettes" is a short documentary that we made several years ago about an all-girl moped gang from Los Angeles who team up to plan their first official cross-city ride. Initially, it was just a fun side project. There's something appealing to me about the ragtag ways in which we so-called Angelenos form bonds and ersatz families in a city very much defined by its transplant culture.
And so we started documenting the group through their first year — coming up with their name, their attire, their attitude and ultimately their identity. But like all good documentary, the story evolved and after sharing the trailer online, there was more interest in it then we originally imagined. I'd like to think it was the thoughtful approach to telling the story (not to mention the fantabulous photography) but let's be honest — an all-girl moped gang with a penchant for matching gold jackets and whisky? It kind of writes itself.
We toured it around the festival circuit for several years, basically when we had time in between other jobs, and while a feminist reading to the film is inevitable — and I got asked that a lot at various Q&As and interviews — I (rightly or wrongly) steered away from putting too much of a label on it. I wanted these women, their actions, and the choices I made in presenting them in film to stand on their own.
I spoke with many folks at the screenings who said that it inspired them to do something out of their own comfort zones, and at the end of the day, that's probably the highest compliment that can be payed to a short film.
Anyways, for better or for worse, here it is now available on iTunes and Amazon...
Also, some reviews . . .
"It's an adrenaline shot of music, roaring engines, and red lipstick." - Rogue Cinema
"The quick pacing, found-footage style, and flat-out fun atmosphere exudes modern Americana" - One Film Fan
"The girls maintain a sort of adorable badass vibe . . . [and] for 15 minutes you're invited into the cult." - Fear Girls